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Health and Resiliency from Soil to Table, Grasstravanganza

Friday, July 26, 2019, None Specified
SUNY Cobleskill (exact location to be announced)

SUNY Cobleskill is hosting Grasstravaganza, the premier in-season grazing conference, at the College Thursday July 25, through Saturday, July 27, in cooperation with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS), Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE), and New York Grazing Coalition. The theme of this year’s conference is “Health and Resiliency from Soil to Table.” Grasstravaganza 2019 will cover the importance of grazing livestock with a soil to table
perspective. The conference includes lectures and presentations from regional and national speakers, and features guided tours of Cobleskill-area farms, including the College Farm, which is contiguous to the SUNY Cobleskill campus. Grazing
management, grass-fed beef, soil health, livestock nutrition, emerging technologies, dairy grazing, and small ruminant nutrition are among topics experts will cover. Guests will be able to select workshops from fundamental, experienced, and general tracks; similarly, guests will be able to select dairy, beef, or multi-species-specific farm tours.
Learning stations will be setup on each farm tour, providing opportunities to “learn by doing” in a hands-on educational environment.