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Webinar: Livestock Compass: Profit Mgmt Tool for Livestock

Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 12:00 pm until 1:00 pm
To register:, or call 773-525-4952, or email them at: INFO@FOODANIMALCONCERNS.ORG

Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT) offers free webinars on a variety of topics relevant to humane animal production. Join us for an upcoming session or peruse our archive to access all of our previously recorded presentations. For more information and to register, visit their website,, or call 773-525-4952, or email them at: INFO@FOODANIMALCONCERNS.ORG

Livestock Compass: A Profit Management Tool for Livestock Producers

Knowing your cost of production makes it possible to set prices with confidence and allows a farmer to assess various livestock enterprises, different marketing channels, and actively manage their farm business for profit…a vital component of sustainability. The challenge on many farms is record keeping and having a system to compile those costs so that a producer is making sure to include all costs, including overhead, marketing, labor (including the farmer-owner’s labor) and production costs. Join this webinar to learn about Livestock Compass, a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet tool to help livestock producers measure profitability and identify ways to improve financial outcomes. Jim Munsch is the original designer of the Livestock Compass tool and is also a grass-fed beef producer.