Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm
These soil health issues are happening for a variety of reasons that might include effects from severe weather, unintended consequences from production methods, or simply not having a practical way to implement effective soil-building strategies.
During this webinar, we’ll review several common soil health challenges and explore how farmers are working to fix them. We’ll also explain how you can contribute to the Soil Health Benchmark Study as a community scientist and connect with a peer-community of farmers advancing the art and science of sustainable farming.
Our landmark Soil Health Benchmark Study is the most diverse farmer-led soil science project in the nation. Currently, nearly 100 vegetable, row crop, and grazing farms are contributing to the project.
Franklin Egan, Education Director, PASA: Franklin leads PASA’s research and education teams who work to foster a farmer-to-farmer learning network, facilitate registered apprenticeship programs for vegetable farmers and dairy graziers, and coordinate on-farm research on topics that include soil health, financial viability, and water quality. Franklin holds a PhD in ecology from Penn State University, and has worked on vegetable and dairy farms in New York and Wisconsin.
Take a look at our frequently asked questions about our workshops and events. Otherwise, please contact this event’s coordinator, Sarah Bay Nawa, by email at sarah@pasafarming.org or by phone at 814.349.9856 x706