Friday, September 18, 2020, 12:15 pm until 1:15 pm
Webinar with Kathy Soder, USDA-ARS
Learning how to grow and graze with alternative forage methods is just one piece of the forage puzzle. How these forage production methods affect animal performance and product quality is arguably even more important. Dr. Kathy Soder, an animal scientist with USDA-ARS, will complete our series by discussing how to integrate these forages into your ration plan. She will discuss what changes you can expect compared to feeding traditional hay or pasture, possible pitfalls, and ways to succeed. This is the topic that we receive the most questions about, so be sure to register and submit your questions for Kathy on the registration form so we can make sure she gets them.
This is the sixth and final webinar in a six-part series that will cover several strategies for grazing season extension and alternative forage production. The series is a collaboration among UMass Extension, UVM Extension, & UMaine Extension, and is supported in part by a Northeast SARE Research and Education Grant with organization and administration supported by the Livestock Institute of Southern New England with the support of the Cedar Tree Foundation.
CONTACT: For any questions about the series, please contact Sam Corcoran at<>. REGISTER: