Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm
Murraydale Farms, Truxton (Cortland County)
With USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service grazing specialist Karen Hoffman. Join Ryan and Annie Murray to learn how they have adapted New Zealand style grazing to manage their 90-cow organic Jersey herd in Truxton, NY. The Murrays combine seasonal calving and once-a-day milking with management intensive rotational grazing to minimize costs and save labor. Karen Hoffman will lead the group in a discussion about nutrition for grazing herds and ration balancing on pasture based on seasonal changes in the grass. Registration link: Join the South Central NY Dairy and Field Crops Team for a series of pasture walks hosted by dairy farms throughout our region. Learn strategies for managing dairy cattle on pasture from experienced graziers and grazing educators. Be prepared for walking and standing outdoors. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear, dress for the weather, and bring your own water bottle and snacks. There is no cost to attend, however pre-registration is required (address provided after registered). Register online using the link above or by calling Donette Griffith at (607) 391-2662.