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Grain Growers Workshop

Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm
Woodlawn Farm 8128 Vermont 30 Pawlet, VT 05761

Grain Growers Workshop
Join UVM Extension at Woodlawn Farm to discuss integrating corn grain and soybean production into your farming
operation. Seth and Kate Leach will talk about their investment in grain infrastructure and the benefits to adding this
enterprise to their dairy operation.
This meeting is a collaboration with the UVM Extension Ag Business and the Northwest Crops and Soils Team. Jeremy
Russo and Whitney Hull from UVM Extension’s Ag Business team will highlight how growing your own grains impacts input
costs, cow health and milk production. Heather Darby and Je Sanders, from the Northwest Crops and Soils team, will
cover important agronomic practices when growing grains, as well as benefits to soil health.
This workshop will be the first in a series, with future workshop locations in Addison and Franklin Counties.
Representatives from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets, as well as the Vermont Housing and Conservation
Board, will be in attendance to answer questions about funding opportunities in relation to water quality impacts.

This is a free event and lunch will be provided.
In the event of inclement weather, this workshop will be moved
indoors onsite.
To request a disability-related accommodation to participate in this program,
contact Whitney Hull at 802-279-7517 or by
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 so we may assist you. Contact Whitney with
program questions or for additional information.