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Winter NYCO Meetings

Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 10:00 am until 2:00 pm
Jordan Hall, Cornell Agritech campus, Geneva, NY

The annual NYCO meetings bring together farmers to build community and share knowledge. An informal potluck lunch is the centerpiece of the event as well as the lively discussions that follow. There will be several presentations from farmers, researchers, and industry leaders on topics such as cover crop interseeding, reducing tillage and organic dairy markets. This year, the meetings will be held on January 9 and February 13 Presentations at the first meeting will focus dairy and the second meeting on field crops, but farmers are encouraged to attend both meetings.

Meetings are free to attend, and all are welcome, we ask that you bring a dish to pass for potluck lunch. Optional pre-registration to receive updates on possible weather-related changes can be made at or by leaving a message at 315-787-2432.

NYCO winter meetings have grown from a gathering of six organic grain producers in the Martens Farm farmhouse kitchen in 1992 to filling the auditorium at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva. To subscribe to the NYCO listserv email with "join" as the subject and no text in the body of the email.

- Organic dairy market insights and trends
- Focusing on the margins: comparing profit from contrasting feeding systems
- Farmer panels and farmer-led research updates
- Cover Crop Interseeding
- Reducing tillage for soil health in organic