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Beyond Pesticides’ 41st National Forum: Imperatives for a Sustainable Future-Meet Felix Löwenstein

Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 2:00 pm until 3:00 pm

Beyond Pesticides’ 41st National Forum, Imperatives for a Sustainable Future—Reversing the existential crises of pesticide-induced illness, biodiversity collapse, and the climate emergency, which begins on October 30 at 2-4pm (EDT) and then continues on November 14 at 1pm (EST). The Forum provides an opportunity to discuss with world-renowned scientists, from Germany and the United States, both (i) the hazards that define the urgency of threats associated petrochemical toxicants, with a focus on chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system (including pesticides) and lead to life-threatening diseases, and (ii) the strategy for adopting a path forward that tackles the problem holistically, rather than one chemical at a time.

On October 30, 2:00-4:00pm (eastern time US),

An opportunity:Meet Felix Löwenstein, PhD, author of Food Crash: Why Organic Is the Only Way Forward, just released in the United States.

  • Focus: Adopt a holistic worldwide strategy to reverse the existential crises of pesticide-induced illness, biodiversity collapse, and the climate emergency.
  • Vision: Explore Dr. Löwenstein’s passion, grown from his life as an agricultural scientist, farmer, international agricultural aid worker, and leader in Germany’s association of organic food producers and organic research.
  • Mandate: Delve into the compelling facts about the adverse impacts of chemical-intensive agriculture on ecological and human health, food sovereignty, and animal welfare—and the viability, productivity, and profitability of the sustainable alternative now!

PLUS: Roundtable. After Dr. Löwenstein’s talk with a roundtable among organic farmers, marketing experts, policy advocates, and the Forum audience, as we explore strategies underway to scale up organic land management to become universally adopted in the next decade. The roundtable discussants bring a wealth of experience in building the organic movement to confront the existential health, biodiversity, and climate crises of our time: with Alan Lewis, Natural Grocers; Linley Dixon, Real Organic Project; Colehour Bondera, organic coffee and tree fruit farmer; and Jay Feldman, Beyond Pesticides (moderator).

For more information, visit their website:

. . . And on November 14, at 1:00pm (eastern time US).

An opportunity: Meet Tracey Woodruff, PhD, MPH, director of the Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment, School of Medicine, at the University of California San Francisco.

  • Focus: Elevate understanding that links the deadly and debilitating effects of endocrine disrupting toxicants, including pesticides, plastics, and a wide range of manufactured products, to fossil fuels and the compelling science to support action.
  • Vision:?Explore the clinical effects and inequities associated with dependency on the range of endocrine disruptors, as Dr. Woodruff calls for decarbonizing the economy with a precautionary standard.
  • Mandate: Apply scientific findings and uncertainties to policies and practices to address threats associated with serious health effects, biodiversity decline, and the climate crisis.