cows in field

Are You Robbing Your Pastures to Feed Your Livestock Program

Thursday, March 29, 2018, 12:00 pm until 12:30 pm
Dryden Fire Hall, 26 North St, Dryden, NY

Phone: 607-391-2662
Contact_Name: Fay Benson
Location: Dryden Fire Hall, 26 North St, Dryden, NY

Description: 12-2:30pm program begins with lunch followed by presentations by Altfrid Krusenbaum, a Wisconsin-based grazing consultant helping grazing dairy and beef farmers, and Cleason Horst of Friendly Blends soil amendments in Canandaigua, NY.

Krusenbaum will discuss organically managing pastures on his 470-acre farm to generate profit. After operating a grazing dairy for several years, he now raises grass-fed, grass-finished beef; hay; and small grains. He worked for several years with the Natural Resources Conservation Services as a Certified Grazing Planner, and currently serves with the national Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship Program.

Horst will talk about the depletion of soil fertility in pastures and how farmers can identify this by understanding soil lab reports. He has experience with pastures from which there were only withdrawals and no deposits to the soil bank account long-term. Horst will describe how he reads a soil test to prioritize recommendations for re-investing nutrients into soil as the most important resource on the farm.

Registration is requested. Each event has a $5 charge for lunch. To register, call Steph at 607-391-2662 or email Abbie at For more information on the Cornell Organic Dairy Program, contact Fay Benson. Cornell South Central NY Dairy Team,