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Pasture Resiliency Field Day

Thursday, August 9, 2018, 10:30 am until 2:00 pm
Sweet Rowan Farm, 1942 Lafont Road, West Glover, VT 05875

Interested in finding ways to adapt your pasture system to changes in climate, to spend less on feed and to keep more of your milk check? Join us at this interactive workshop, where we’ll discuss current climate science, soil health and simple changes you can make to your grazing system to increase pasture productivity and quality including learning which grasses, legumes and other species can improve pasture quality and productivity. Grazing consultant Sarah Flack will lead us on a pasture walk where we’ll practice measuring available forage per acre, calculate the acreage required to meet dry matter intake goals and talk about how to make changes in management so forage plants start growing earlier in the spring, grow better through the mid-summer and grow longer into the fall, extending your grazing season. Mike Thresher, Nutritionist with Morrison’s Feed will also join us to offer practical perspective on how grazing management affects rations, protein, energy and milk production. RSVP requested by Monday, August 6th. For more information, contact Sarah Damsell (802)334-6090 x 7008 or email sarah.damsell@vt.nacdnet. net. COST: Free- includes lunch.