Tuesday, February 11, 12:00 pm until 1:00 pm
Zoom meeting
What is happening in the organic milk market? What do you need to consider if you are interested in transitioning to become a certified organic dairy farm? Join us to learn about the current state of the organic milk market and increase your understanding of certification standards for land and livestock. This meeting will support you in weighing the costs and benefits of what transitioning to organic dairy - through either transitioning your land/herd or buying a herd - could mean for your particular farm. We will also share information about the resources and services available to help ensure a successful transition to organic. Bring your questions as there will be plenty of time for Q & A!
Presenters: Bill Cavanaugh, Jen Miller (NOFA-VT), Kyla Parmelee (VOF), Sarah Flack (independent consultant), representatives from VT milk buyers
Email zea@nofavt.org fro details or, for more information and to register (free session), visit the website.