Added June 3, 2013. As the world wide web (www) has become more dynamic and accessible, organizations and educational groups are taking advantage of this dynamic technology. It is getting easier than ever to go on-line, search, and find very useful information on organic dairy production and grazing management – both in video and written form. Though we appreciate the virtual world, we have heard from farmers that these resources do not replace the written word presented on paper. So don’t worry; we are committed to providing the NODPA News in hard copy for as long as you continue to support our work. We also work hard to keep our website current, and archive all the resource articles that appear in our print newsletters.
Below are some highlights of webinars available through eOrganic Dairy and some information on a new grazing website that was launched earlier this year. We hope that you find this information helpful.
Barley Fodder Feeding for Organic Dairies
Nov 30, 2012 ... In this webinar, John Stoltzfus and Cornell's Fay Benson will discuss the benefits and challenges of growing and feeding fodder to dairy animals. Other animals (from horses to chickens) also have benefited from the practice and their owners may be able to adopt the principles addressed in this webinar.
Stockpiling Forages to Extend the Grazing Season
Jul 29, 2011 ... About the Webinar: Extending the grazing season using stockpiling can cut those costs by 20% or more. Stockpiling forage is a practice that allows pastures to grow for use at a later time, typically to extend the grazing season into the early winter months. In this webinar, Laura Paine will describe how best to stockpile forages, including forage species that do well under this practice, when to start stockpiling, and other management considerations.
Your Organic Dairy Herd Health Toolbox
Jul 30, 2012 ... About the Webinar: What's in your herd health tool box? In this webinar, Dr. Hubert Karreman discusses organic dairy herd health considerations, approaches to organic dairy cattle treatment currently allowed by the National Organic Program, and how best to work with your local veterinarian.
The Economics of Organic Dairy Farming in New England
May 1, 2012 ... About the Webinar: What does the financial performance of organic dairy farming in New England look like, particularly in an economy where organic feed prices and fuel prices are high and where today's economic crisis is putting tremendous financial strain on all dairy farms, including organic dairies? University of Vermont agricultural economist Bob Parsons will address the economics of organic dairy farming in New England, based on 5 years of farm financial data.
Supplementig the Organic Dairy Cow Diet: Results of Molasses and Flaxseed
Feeding Trials Webinar
Apr 22, 2013 ... About the Webinar: As certified organic grain prices continue to increase, dairy farmers are interested in finding ways to maintain or improve milk production while reducing feed costs. In the quest to find lower-cost alternatives, there has been increased interest in supplementing pasture-based livestock diets with products like molasses and flaxseed. Molasses can be a source of energy and trace minerals. Flaxseed can also be a source of energy; in addition it is high in omega-3 fatty acids, a plus for animals and humans alike. In this webinar, Dr. Kathy Soder will present results of recent research she and her team have conducted on molasses and flaxseed feeding.
Using Small Grains as Forages on Your Organic Dairy
Apr 15, 2011 ... About the Webinar: Cereal grains can provide organic dairy farms with an early season crop to graze and/or harvest for forage as well as extend the grazing season into late fall and early winter. They provide flexibility as they can be grown for grazing, stored forage, grain, and/or straw. Learn how to integrate small grains--including wheat, barley, oats, triticale, spelt, and rye--into your organic dairy farm. Dr. Heather Darby, University of Vermont Extension, will share recent results of her on-farm research trials as well as practical ideas on how to get the most of home-grown feeds on your farm.
Fly Management in the Organic Dairy Pasture
Jul 7, 2011 ... In this webinar, Dr. Donald Rutz and Keith Waldron of the New York State IPM Program will address several fly pests that attack cattle while they are out on pasture, especially horn, face, and stable flies. Each has distinctive habits, life histories, and management options.
Maximizing Dry Matter Intake on Your Organic Dairy Pastures
Aug 3, 2012 ... In this webinar, recorded on September 16, 2010, USDA NRCS animal scientist Karen Hoffman describes how organic dairy farmers can maximize dry matter intake from the pasture. She describes the connection among milk production, a cow's rumen and pasture quality, including plant density, number of tillers/plant, pasture height, and species composition. She takes a look at protein and energy relationships in the pasture and ways to balance them to enhance dry matter intake and encourage high animal performance.
Setting Up a Grazing System on Your Organic Dairy Farm
Jun 4, 2012 ... In this webinar, we will address the basic principles of how to set up a grazing system which will improve pasture quality and animal performance. We’ll include paddock size calculations, recovery periods, maps and record-keeping, and further resources.
Posted: to Organic Production on Mon, Jun 3, 2013
Updated: Tue, Oct 16, 2018