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Is Your Farm Receiving the Support You Need Since COVID-19 Began?

Your feedback in needed

The UVM Extension Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Department of Community Development and Applied Economics want to know what helps farmers succeed under difficult conditions. We are sending this in hopes of reaching commercial farmers in Vermont to learn about how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted farming. Please help us all learn by completing the survey about your last two farming years.

It should only take about 20-30 minutes to complete. All responses are kept confidential and will not be associated with your name. If you have questions about this survey please contact Cheryl Herrick, who is coordinating the project's outreach, at UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture at The Principal Investigators (PIs) of this project are Linda Berlin in UVM Extension’s Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Daniel Tobin in the Department of Community Development and Applied Economics.

For taking part in this research study, you will be reimbursed for your time and and input. The first 225 respondents to complete the survey will receive a $40 gift certificate. At the end of the survey, you will be asked for some information about yourself (name, mailing address, and email) that will be used for the sole purpose of sending you the gift certificate. Information gathered for this purpose will be stored separately from your survey responses.

The survey is located at:

Many thanks for your time, and wishing you and yours well. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you've got any questions or if I can assist in any way. For more information, call Cheryl Herrick, 802-656-5459 or email Cheryl Herrick (


Cheryl Herrick for the Covid-19 Resilience Project Team

(Suzy Hodgson, Travis Reynolds, Juan Alvez, Linda Berlin, Lisa Chase, Cheryl Herrick, Carina Isbell, and Dan Tobin, with funding gratefully received from a USDA Hatch (NIFA) grant, USDA ARS grant, and a grant from the UVM Office of Engagement.

PS: And here's another link to the survey:

*************************************************************************************Established in 1994, the Center for Sustainable Agriculture provides timely information to Vermont communities and the UVM campus. The Center is a proud part of UVM Extension, conducts innovative research, supports the development of promising practices, cultivates partnerships, and informs policy to advance sustainable food and farming systems.

University of Vermont Extension, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating, offer education and employment to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or familial status.

Posted: to Industry News on Wed, Feb 3, 2021
Updated: Thu, Feb 4, 2021