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OMRI Products List Exceeds 2000 Products

Added November 15, 2010. The OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Products List reached a milestone on October 7, 2010, for the first time exceeding 2000 listed products. OMRI, a global leader in materials review, performs comprehensive verification and listing of materials suitable for use in organic production.

“The OMRI Products List has grown steadily over the last 13 years, and we thank OMRI’s clients and supporters for working to ensure solid and consistent standards within the organic industry, and for helping us reach this milestone,” said Peggy Miars, OMRI Executive Director. “We at OMRI are proud to support the organic label through our history of solid integrity and reliable reviews.”
While OMRI staff may have paused to celebrate the landmark occasion, the organization is processing applications quicker than ever. A new streamlined review process has completely eliminated the initial wait time for new applications while retaining the same rigorous standards that have made OMRI a cornerstone of the organic industry. “Now is a great time to submit an application, since we have made great strides in customer service,”added Miars. OMRI welcomed Miars in September, when she began her tenure as OMRI’s new Executive Director/CEO.

To celebrate this new chapter in OMRI’s history, the organization is soliciting comments and stories from members of the organic community. Simply click the link below to contribute your thoughts. Confidential comments are welcome, but participants who include their names may have their comments considered for publication in the next OMRI Materials Review Newsletter.

Tell your OMRI story. Send an email to or call: 541.343.7600.