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Access to Pasture Resources from eOrganic’s Dairy Team

Added October 1, 2010. eOrganic is an online community of more than 600 ag service providers and farmers who are providing science-, experience-, and regulation-based certified organic information on the web at . Our eOrganic Dairy Team is made up of about 60 farmers, agronomists, veterinarians, grazing and certification specialists, animal scientists, and other professionals who are working together to publish peer-reviewed articles, videos and other content at, a national initiative among the Land Grant Universities to increase collaboration and provide online education.

Although our articles cover a range of topics, from herd health to grazing management, recently the eOrganic Dairy Team has been focusing its efforts on developing content specifically related to the Access to Pasture Rule. The following are content that have been published to date but please be sure to check the Dairy Production section of frequently as we expect that our webinar series will continue through the Fall and Winter of 2010/2011 and we are in the process of publishing several additional articles and videos as well.

Posted: to Organic Production on Fri, Oct 1, 2010
Updated: Fri, Oct 1, 2010