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More Organic Milk Sought in Northeast

Farms should be sure to have a market secured before beginning the 12 month herd transition.

Any buyers looking for organic milk who would like to be listed in this column for the September 2008 issue of NODPA News, please email the desired text to Ed at or call
413-772-0444 by August 16th 2008.

The Word from DMS
Dairy Marketing Services (DMS) continues to market more than 50 percent of the organic milk produced in the Northeast. DMS was established to deliver efficiency in services and enhance returns from the market directly back to producers at a minimal cost. The DMS trained staff can assist you through organic certification process and help you explore your organic market options. At DMS we offer a wide range of services to producers such as health insurance and workers compensation through Agri-Services Agency, leases and loans from Agri-Max Financial, farm inputs and supplies through Eagle Dairy Direct, and herd management software from Dairy One. For more information, please contact Dave Eyster at 1-888-589-6455, ext. 5409 or

The Word from CROPP
CROPP Cooperative--Organic Valley Family of Farms is the nation’s largest farmer-owned organic cooperative and our continued growth offers new opportunities for dairy farmers throughout the Northeast and New England. We offer a stable, competitive organic milk pay price once certified and a complete year of Transitional Funding for new farmers during the herd’s transitional year. We also offer farmers veterinary support, quality services, strong membership services, the Organic Trader Newsletter, inclusive communications and ownership of a cooperative with 20 years of organic farming and marketing experience. In addition, our Farm Resources Team can help source organic feed purchases for your operation. We are also looking for new organic forage/grain producers throughout the region.

In New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia contact Peter Miller, (612) 801-3506, In New England contact John Cleary at (612) 803-9087, or email In the Great Lakes Region contact Jake Schmitz, (270) 779-1526 or Membership Services- 1-888-809-9297 Monday through Friday, 8-5 PM Central.

The Word from Horizon
Interested in transitioning to organic dairy? At Horizon Organic, it all begins on the farm. As America’s leading organic dairy brand, we owe our success to the growing community of family farmers who support our mission, one organic acre at a time. We believe that farmers deserve to know where their milk is going – and consumers deserve to know where it originated. Over the years, we’ve maintained a dedicated milk supply and nurtured a direct relationship with each of the hundreds of farms in our network. And we’re committed to keeping it that way.

Horizon Organic produces a full line of products from cheese to yogurt to fluid milk, and is the leading brand in the grocery store, as well as the number one source for bringing new organic milk consumers into the category.

Join Horizon Organic, the leading brand in one of the fastest growing categories within the number one segment of agriculture, and enjoy the experience, stability and competitive pricing that we have come to be known for.

Contacts: Cindy Masterman (New England) (888) 648-8377; Peter Slaunwhite (Northeast) (800) 381-0980; Steve Rinehart (Mideast) (866) 268-4665; Michelle Sandy (Mid Atlantic) (866) 412-1380; Mike Bandstra (Midwest) (877) 620-8259; Greg Dabney (West) (800) 588-9283 x4747

The Word from HP Hood
HP Hood continues to look for high quality farms for our organic milk supply. We are eager to talk to farms that are ready to begin their herd transition in the fall of 2007. Our routes encompass a number of Northern Tier States (ME, NH, VT, NY, PA, OH, MI, WI, MN, IA) and we would like to hear from you. Our support of sustainable agriculture, a signing bonus and transition assistance have helped many already. Please contact Karen Cole, HP Hood Milk Procurement, or at 1-866-383-1026.

The Word from LOFCO
Lancaster Organic Farmers Cooperative (LOFCO) continues to look for milk in PA/MD, particularly southeast PA. The market is strong. Please contact Levi Miller at 717/661-8682 or Jerry McCleary at 717/577-8809.

The Word from Upstate Niagra
Upstate Niagara Cooperative, a dairy farmer owned, full service cooperative headquartered in Buffalo, NY is continuing to grow its supply of organic milk. The members of Upstate Niagara Coop own and operate 3 milk plants in Buffalo and Rochester. Our members are interested in producing organic milk and processing organic dairy products. We currently process & package fresh, not ultra-pasteurized organic milk in our Rochester Milk Plant. If you are interested in learning more about Upstate Niagara Coop, please visit our website at or contact me. Enjoy your day…..Bill Young 800-724-6455

The Word from United Ag
United Ag Services in Seneca Falls, NY is looking for organic milk in NY and northern PA. Please call 800-326-4251.

Posted: to Organic Pay, Feed & Grain Prices on Tue, Jul 1, 2008
Updated: Tue, Jul 1, 2008