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NODPA Featured in the Food Tank

James Beard Foundation’s 3rd Annual Good Food Guide

NODPA is honored to announce that it has been included in the 3rd Annual Good Food Guide published by the Food Tank and the James Beard Foundation. The guide features 1,000 nonprofit organizations that are creating a better food system across the United States. The guide can be downloaded at this address: Featured in the National Organization section, on page 34, NODPA’s listing reads:

NODPA is the largest grass roots organization of organic dairy producers and has remained true to its original goal of advocating on behalf of producers, regardless of who they sold their milk to, for a sustainable pay price plus protect the integrity of the USDA Organic regulations. NODPA is governed by organic dairy producers who meet regularly by conference call and annually in-person as either Board members or State Representatives. The organization is establishing open dialogue with organic dairy processors and retailers in order to better influence producer pay price and to contribute to marketing efforts. They are also developing networks with producers and processors of other organic commodities to strengthen the infrastructure within the industry.

NODPA thanks the James Beard Foundation and Food Tank for recognizing the important work that it does. If you aren’t familiar with both of these organizations, here is information about both.


The James Beard Foundation’s mission is to celebrate, nurture, and honor America’s diverse culinary heritage through programs that educate and inspire. Food matters. You are what you eat not only because food is nutrition, but also because food is an integral part of our everyday lives. Food is economics, politics, entertainment, culture, fashion, family, passion...and nourishment. The James Beard Foundation is at the center of America’s culinary community, dedicated to exploring the way food enriches our lives. The Beard Foundation offers a variety of events and programs designed to educate, inspire, entertain, and foster a deeper understanding of our culinary culture. These programs include educational initiatives, food industry awards, an annual national food conference, Leadership Awards program, culinary scholarships, and publications. The James Beard Foundation is a national not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in New York City. For more information, visit


Food Tank is focused on building a global community for safe, healthy, nourished eaters. We spotlight environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable ways of alleviating hunger, obesity, and poverty and create networks of people, organizations, and content to push for food system change. Food Tank is for farmers and producers, policymakers and government leaders, researchers and scientists, academics and journalists, and the funding and donor communities to collaborate on providing sustainable solutions for our most pressing environmental and social problems. As much as we need new thinking on global food system issues, we also need new doing. Around the world, people and organizations have developed innovative, on-the-ground solutions to the most pressing issues in food and agriculture. We hope to bridge the domestic and global food issues by highlighting how hunger, obesity, climate change, unemployment, and other problems can be solved by more research and investment in sustainable agriculture. Food Tank highlights hope and success in agriculture. We feature innovative ideas that are already working on the ground, in cities, in kitchens, in fields, and in laboratories. These innovations need more attention, more research, and ultimately more funding to be replicated and scaled-up. And that is where we need you. We all need to work together to find solutions that nourish ourselves and protect the planet.

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Posted: to Industry News on Tue, Nov 15, 2016
Updated: Tue, Nov 15, 2016