Peace Hollow Farm Tour
It's never too early to save the date for the 2019 NODPA Field Days. This year, the 19th Annual NODPA Field Days will be held in Canastota, New York on Thursday and Friday, September 26 and 27, 2019. We are organizing two Farm Tours and an educational program that will highlight the interesting and innovative work of organic dairy farmers in central New York.
Nathan and Kristine Weaver's Grunen Aue Farm, Canastota, New York, will be the site of one tour and we are awaiting confirmation on the second one. In addition, Nathan Weaver will be one our our presenters, too. Please keep checking back on our website and in the upcoming NODPA News and NODPA E-news editions for updated information. Sponsorship and Trade Show information will be available soon, but if you have questions now, please call Nora Owens, 413-772-0444, or email her at
Posted: to Industry News on Wed, Feb 27, 2019
Updated: Wed, Apr 3, 2019